How to make the correct decision and to control the whole process

How to make the correct decision, how to organize the process and how to navigate between thousands of possibilities. Do you know how to do it? We neither.

Let’s think about a standard moment in life: we don’t know where to go and what to do. We all went through those moments or some of you is currently inside it. Everything is confused, nothing seems to work and we don’t know where to go and how to decide. In my experience this situation never end, I don’t have a routine in life, I don’t have a standard job and my days are all different between each other. 

How can I choose what to do? This is the typical question for me, is not what to decide, but how to decide. Every single life is an infinite number of choices, correct or not doesn’t really metter, important is the direction; so it’s not really important the single decision in my opinion, it’s more important to have in mind a route, maybe not so clear. I think that it is positive to make different kind of decisions, it’s important to explore different islands and try experiences completely out of our culture and habits. How we can learn something new if we just stay i our room? If something it doesn’t work first of all we need to be aware of it. It’s the most difficult thing, to see the reality while we are living it. Than after we know on which aspect to work we can choose how, I personally love to speak with my friends and with people close to me, It’s important for me to listen different experiences and after it I will make my own choice. I don’t do what people tell me to do, I have to elaborate my own thoughts. It’s so wrong to even think: it’s your fault, you told me to do it. No folk, everything is based on our choices, we can observe others lives but, like all the others,  our is trip unique. 

In the last years, if you follow me, I moved man times, I changed different countries, languages, food, cultures, everything. What it seems normal and natural in some place can be completely out of mind in another location, even in the same country. I’m still learning what I like, I think I will never end, also because my preferences change during my trip and for me the only way to do it is to move out of my confort zone (i spoke about it here). I will give you an example: in my culture food is a religion, sacred. Everything revolves around food, from job till social relations. Doesn’t work in that way everywhere and how can I make the correct decision in a place where nothing is how I knew

In my experience every decision is standalone, I mean: things change in life, I’m every day a different person, I learn new things every hour; what sounds good one day maybe after one month is completely wrong, but it’s all fine! This is my idea, until we don’t do something extremely negative against us, or some other person, every decision is good, I can always change my mind, come back or change the route. Nothing is forever, maybe it will take long time, very long, but it will not last forever. I’m writing this also to learn it and to fix these thoughts in my mind, If you read my articles in the past I’m constantly under doubts (Sarajevo and autumn, another end or a new beginning), it’s a constant in my life. I’m like this , it’s my personality, I think about everything but my decision process is very fast and can be compulsive. I would like to be slower and pay more attention to things but till now it’s hard for me. 

In the past there were oracles to know the truth and no one answer was clear. Everything is interpretation and the oracle never fail, but never answer! I think the every person nowadays has a personal oracle but they can be only a reflection of us. Do we really ask to people who can give us a completely unwanted answer? I don’t think so. 

Now everything is more clear right, enjoy your life!

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