Siamo nella steppa Russa, al confine con il Kazakistan. Nell’ex fattoria sociale di karakul abbiamo incontrato Olga che ci spiega passo passo come fare il …
Il Kvass – scopriamo i segreti della bevanda tradizionale russa.

Viaggiatore lento
Siamo nella steppa Russa, al confine con il Kazakistan. Nell’ex fattoria sociale di karakul abbiamo incontrato Olga che ci spiega passo passo come fare il …
English version here Nel nostro percorso lungo la linea transiberiana ci siamo fermati a Krasnoufimsk, una cittadina sui monti Urali del sud. Qui abbiamo incontrato …
Anton is one of those people that fascinates. He has a passion, he has a problem, he has a dream, he brings all these elements …
The City district is one of the most visible in the entire city of Moscow, today I will take you around the skyscrapers of the …
Today I walk in an area wedged between the Kievskaya train station and the financial district of the City. Completely enveloped by the Moskva River, …
Characteristics Length: 13kmDuration: 3:00 hoursBest time: all day and nightRoute type: circle in the cityBest season: all yearMetro: Red/Brown lineStation: Park Kultury We will walk …
Characteristics Length: 9kmDuration: 2:30 hoursBest time: all day and nightRoute type: circle in the cityBest season: all yearMetro: Orange/Brown lineStation: Oktyabrskaya A walk in the …
The old industrial and commercial area of Moscow. Huge avenues, historical factories, and a monastery. Let’s go for a walk. A couple of hours walking …
A walk in the area of Tretyakov Gallery, south of Kremlin on the other side of the river Moscow. You will go through different architecture …
I wanted to do a test: disconnection for a whole day. I unplugged everything for 24 hours. Without internet, without applications, without computers, without a …