Novoiyerusalimsky Monastery (The New Jerusalem Monastery) in Moscow region

What to see around Moscow? Novoiyerusalimsky Monastery – Новоиерусалимский монастырь  (The New Jerusalem Monastery) is located in the region of Moscow. It is a male monastery and one of the most important in the gold ring.

This monastery was founded in 1656 by Patriarch Nikon as a patriarchal residence on the outskirts of Moscow. You can read full history in Wikipedia.

How to reach Novoiyerusalimsky

I went in March, after a wonderful snow and everything around monastery was white and soft. This building is not so far from Moscow, around 40km and you can go by suburban train or buses, it will take around one hour.
Moscow train station: Moskva Rijskaia
Monastery train stop: Novoierusalimskaia
Russian railways:

Map of monastery

From the train station after you arrived you can take local bus or go on foot, is a nice new path. Around 30 minutes walking. The village is not touristic, there is almost nothing. I saw nothing else outside the Monastery complex.

Entrance is free, in the area you can see two different museum. Both have a cafe where you can eat some pastry or tea. Monastery called New Jerusalem because made as a copy of Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

Just renovated

This monastery was renovated completely in 2009 and open again after new decoration in 2016. Everything is brand new and visit is free. Enter in Monastery, walking on walls or visit crypt. Inside you will see the old church. Perfectly preserved and you can visit. Is good to buy few candles (25 rubles each) as donation to Monastery and to support them. It’s not mandatory, it’s nice.

Inside the area there is a small tavern where you can taste small dishes. There are only ten tables, it is very easy to find it full, but people spend there short time. Wait a bit and someone will go.

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